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The girls of the Witch Finger podcast live and breathe the horror genre and want to bring their insights
and musings to the masses. Yasmina, Megan and Morgan want to share their infatuation with horror
with the rest of the world and want nothing more than to contribute and be a part of the horror
community. Yasmina sums up their dark devotion best;``Horror it's a lifestyle.`` You don't see comedy, action or drama conventions. Horror is exciting and an obsession because it is a part of our lives and defines who we are.  I'm intoxicated by it and get excited whenever I see a gruesome and disturbing scene!  The fact that they're still coming up with new ways to kill people is still impressive.  It`s
community of fans much like a family because we all share a passion for horror and love showing off and talking about our collections of movies, toys, posters etc. Horror movies are entertaining and are a
great outlet from reality and when you meet people through the internet or conventions that are just
like you, you develop friendships and realize there are so many others out there that are one of us! One
of us! One of us!

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© 2020 Twisted T's Ltd.

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